Professional Flooring Installers: Do You Need One?

DIY vs Professional Flooring Installers

Whether you’re a new home owner or have been in your house for years, you know the power and flare a fresh floor can bring to your living space. Like many home projects, flooring can be accomplished DIY or professionally. Plus, there’s nothing quite like the feeling of looking at a sweet finished project and knowing YOU did that.

However, there are many factors to consider before trying to install flooring yourself. These include the location, the type of flooring, and the condition of the subfloor.

Factors to Consider

Location of The Floor 

LVP Flooring Installation Custom Stairs

Depending on the floor’s location, e.g., bathroom vs. hallway, there are considerations to take into account. For example, moisture level makes a massive impact. Only certain types of flooring can withstand the water damage that is sure to occur. Additionally, it’s important to consider the skill level that goes into stairs, cutouts, fireplaces, and other difficult-to-navigate spaces.

Flooring Type 

As you know, there are many types of flooring in addition to colors, cuts, and character grades. Hardwood, engineered hardwood, tile, LVP, LVT, and laminate are the most popular flooring types. Each one has a unique flooring installation process that you must be familiar with prior to taking on installation.

Subfloor Repair

Ah, subfloor. The condition of the subfloor can either be a sigh of relief or a heave of panic. From mold and water damage to unlevel surfaces and bowing, subfloors can add a number of issues that need attention before attempting a new installation.

DIY Flooring Perks

  • Budget-Friendly
  • You choose the timing
  • Add help when you need it
  • Avoid sales pressure
  • The pride of self-completion

Professional Flooring Perks

  • Effective professional flooring installation
  • Access to an array of flooring products
  • High-end tools, hardware, and supplies
  • Flooring removal and disposal
  • Subflooring expertise

Professional Flooring Installers: Do You Need Them? 

Floor Prep Services

This is the question of the day. What it all boils down to is are the factors we went over earlier: flooring location, flooring type, and subfloor condition. Additionally, keep in mind the pros and cons of each. Some flooring professionals can be pushy and laser-focused on selling their products. Others, like Floorscapes of Northeast Ohio, are laser-focused on ensuring their clients are happy whether it means installing their products or products that the client has already bought.

DIY Flooring provides a sense of pride like no other. Knowing that YOU accomplished that gorgeous new flooring is something to truly be proud of. Plus, it’s on your budget and your time. However, if you are installing a more difficult product like tile or hardwood, it might not be worth the risk of messing up not only the floor entirely, but also the product itself. Yet to mention, subfloor can be a bear.

So, what’s the best path? One idea can be to consult with a flooring specialist. Experts can take a look at your current floor, look for gaps or creaking that may point towards issues with your subfloor and the need for repairs. Additionally, flooring teams can point out difficult areas such as stairs and fireplaces that will take a certain level of time and expertise. At the end of the day, the choice is up to you. Regardless of your decision, best of luck and enjoy your new floor!

Free Flooring Consultation

Ready to get started on your flooring project? From product selection and flooring removal to floor prep and installation, call Floorscapes today.